Culture is the gang that everyone belongs to, and everyone – simply everyone has a gang! Gang members defend their gang fiercely.
Each gang has certain beliefs and values. They have a specific look. They wear certain clothes, eat certain foods, listen to specific music, appreciate precise visual features and they have specific festivals and celebrations. The other guys – the bad guys, or at best, the other gang we tolerate, but who are us, do other stuff. They have other beliefs. They look different. Their values come secondary to our own. We look out for our own, not them. And in some cases, where there is only so much to go around, more for them, means less for us. It is said that the United States is in a culture war at the moment.
The preferred beliefs, values, food, appearances, sounds, language, way of speech, cuisines, foods, clothing and actions that are prohibited, music, arts, literature, heritage, and ways of life all sort the people into different camps. For this reason, culture is important, especially in cases, where groups of people either feel that a) individuals should not be permitted to mix and match aspects from various cultures as they see fit or b) they are militant about their own culture becoming or remaining the dominant culture.